
While many companies similar to Data Source, Inc. promote themselves on being vertical specific, Data Source, Inc. focuses on having a proficient level of working knowledge of the products that we represent, so we know how to beneficially apply the right products and their modules to any vertical, or task.  A few pain points particular to each industry and their correlating benefits to be realized from our solution(s) for those issues, are listed below.

Distribution & Supply Chain

Distribution and supply chain processes consist of both internal and external processes and activities aimed at making, moving, storing, servicing and selling physical goods to the end customer, which also means that it is subject to internal and external risks as well.  If any of these activities and processes are not managed and executed properly it increases the risks that can bear a detrimental impact on the organization itself, and/or the customer.  Utilizing a business solution that is comprehensive from end-to-end, that has the ability to link your processes together, can substantially reduce those risks and increase your business flow and profitability. 

Whether pertaining to Assembly and Light Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, Distributors, Retail, or Technology, the products that DSi work with, such as Microsoft Dynamics and Passport Business Solutions, are highly functional products geared towards reducing risk to your distribution and supply chain, as well as reducing your overall operating expenses.

Financial Services

Financial Services is area of business driven by an organization’s ability to remain competitive, manifest growth and realize profitability.  The highly customizable, comprehensive end-to-end financial accounting and reporting functionality of Microsoft’s Dynamics GP is designed to aid financial services organizations in achieving those goals.  Additionally, Microsoft Dynamics GP helps those organizations stay compliant with many of the security requirements specific to this industry.

Non-profit & Public Sector

Non-Profit and Public sector organizations face many challenges; limited funding, the need for meticulous reporting practices that enable them to meet regulatory compliance laws to maintain current funding and secure future funding, having to meet the demands of the public that every day grows more critical of how public funding is being managed and spent, and limited personnel resources, just to name a few.

Microsoft Dynamics GP focuses on those unique needs by making information easily accessible, offering extensive out-of-the-box and highly customizable, accurate, timely reporting, and by automating many processes, freeing up resources, both financial and personnel.  With Microsoft Dynamics GP users can realistically do much more, with much less.

Red Cross Case Study

Professional Services

Professional Services encompasses a broad spectrum of businesses but the commonality for them all is that their success is dependant on their ability to stay competitive, to react accordingly to a constantly changing market, to meet ever increasing customer demands and do these things while remaining profitable.  In today’s economy, this can be very difficult to do, so being able to streamline one’s processes, reduce necessary staff and overall operating expenses plays an integral part in that organization’s success, or lack thereof.  Maybe you’ve already needed to implement a reduction in your number of employees and are now challenged with how to make it all still work? 

DSi’s cache of solutions focuses on enabling an organization to function to its optimal performance, while using the least amount of resources, which in turn allows an organization to realize its highest level of profitability.  When you can get it all done with less staff and/or in less time, it becomes pretty easy to see how that could save you considerable funds.